Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Please find answers below to some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. If you can't find the answer to what you're looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I know what is happening at school each week?
We provide numerous methods to communicate what's happening at school, and to keep you up to date with times and events etc.
School Gateway
We use School Gateway to offer you an easy, safe and secure way to pay for your child's Healthy Snacks & Milk, School-run Clubs & Trips online via Instant Bank Transfer. School Gateway is also used to send you Email Notifications of Letters Home.
Have you registered to use School Gateway..?
You must be registered for the school to be able to send you Letters Home via Email. If you're not then you will miss important information.
You must be registered to pay for your child's Healthy Snacks & Milk, School-run Clubs & Trips online.
Simply activate your School Gateway account here. It’s quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that the school holds on record for you:
School calendar
The first thing to do is visit our Subscription Calendar page which can be found here. You can use the Tockify Calendar to be kept informed direct on your mobile phone, desktop or tablet. Just subscribe and add the Bromham Primary School calendar to your Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook etc.
Why can’t I share school photos on my social media pages like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
We ask parents/carers to sign a permission form for photographs to be taken of their child. On the form it states that these photographs may be used for publicising the school on our website, or using social media. Parents and carers who do not sign permission forms are known to us, but this is confidential information, often involving the security of the family and the child, and not to be shared with other parents.
Before we publish photos we check that none of our 'at risk' children are visible in the images. However, the danger is that other parents or carers could inadvertently put photos containing the images on social media - this happened recently when a parent proudly put up a picture of their child winning a race on Sports Day without realising that an 'at risk' child was visible in the background. We are unable to check every photo that parents post on social media; so the best way for us to ensure we keep our children safe is to place a blanket ban on photos on social media.
No child in a photo that is shared on our website, Facebook page or Twitter feed is identified by name as a further safeguarding measure.
Do I have to wait until Parent Consultation to speak to my child’s teacher?
No – if you have something you want to talk to us about don’t wait, come and speak to the teacher. You can make an appointment, or catch the teacher at the end of the day. Mornings tend to be very busy and teachers don’t have time for a long chat, but if it’s something important please let us know!
Should I tell school about things that happening at home?
If something has happened that is likely to affect how your child is feeling, e.g. death of a relative, illness in the family, marital split, even the death of a pet, then it’s important to let us know. We will only talk about it if your child opens the conversation, but it helps us to understand why they may not be their usual self.
What is the rule about taking holidays in term time?
Parents and carers do not have the right to take children out of school during term time unless there are exceptional reasons. For example, a parent or carer who is unable to get time off work during school holidays, or a family wedding. At school we will ask for documents to back up your request, for example a letter from your employer. There will be no authorisation of absences for children in Year 2 during May as they will be taking part in their end of Key Stage 1 assessments.
Why is there sometimes a different teacher in my child’s class?
This could be for differing reasons: your child’s class teacher may be unwell, or have time out of class for training or monitoring the subject for which they have a responsibility. In addition to this, all Primary school teachers have a 90% teaching timetable, with 10% of school time set aside for PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment). At that time their class is covered by another teacher or a highly qualified Teaching Assistant.
Why are children expected to wear school uniform?
There are several reasons for this. Wearing a uniform helps the children to feel part of a larger group, it enables them to look smart, and simplifies the matter of choosing what to wear each day. There is flexibility in the uniform, for example children can wear sweaters/cardigans with or without the school badge. Uniform is one of the ways your child can say ‘I’m proud of my school’.
If I contact a teacher how quickly will they respond?
We endeavour to respond to emails and phone calls as soon as possible. Teachers will not generally be able to respond to messages during the day as they will be teaching, and due to after school commitments (e.g. staff meetings, after school clubs etc.) they may not be able to get back to you on the same day.
Can my child ride a bike or scooter in the playground?
We encourage children to come to school with bikes and scooters, and bike sheds are available at both sites for storage. However – we ask you not to allow your child to ride a bike or scooter inside the school gates as there have been accidents in the playground due to the number of people.
How long should I keep my child home after sickness?
If your child has suffered from a sickness bug (vomiting and/or diarrhoea) they should be kept away from school for 48 hours from the last episode of sickness/diarrhoea. However, a child who has just been sick once (perhaps following a coughing fit) and is otherwise well, including eating and keeping food down, can return to school after 24 hours. For example, a child who is sick on Sunday evening would stay at home on Monday and return to school on Tuesday.